June 25, 2011


So, me and my madre took a trip to Italy to help build her shoe collection. I just thought it would be cool to take pictures if course to remember my time there. I love the Italian language,and hope to learn one day. Someone said to me "The best way to learn Italian is to get an Italian boyfriend." I shall keep that thought in mind :). It was bizarre to me but interesting that there is no takeout. Everything is eaten in the restaurant, not even a hot chocolate is taken outside in those to go cups. The food is fresh, and I mean everything. To the vegetable, to the wine and the sauce. I ate so much tiramisu that i almost burst! In all though I learned lots of culture, visited some cool places and ate pasta and fresh lamb till I busted. Thank you Fermo.

The hills in Italy are AMAZING, looking over this hill top was one of the mos beautiful things I've ever seen


The best restaurant I ate at.

This hot chocolate is legit melted chocolate. OMG I was in awe! You know how some people are addicted to coffee, well hot coco is mine and this was the best... POINT BLANK.

Some dark alley in the city. Creepy

My Hotel was next to the beach. Not bad for a picture in a moving car

I felt like a boss in those glasses :)

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Leave a comment and tell if you've been or live(d) in Italy and what you experienced


  1. i've been to italy once, and i literly think it is the most heartfelt place ever!

    check out my fashion blog, and follow?

  2. Same here, you really feel the love lol everybody is very nice
